Date: w. 1762-3, published 1950
"Lord Elibank has just a cabinet of curiosities [in his mind], which are well ranged and of which he has an exact catalogue."
preview | full record— Boswell, James (1740-1795)
Date: w. 1762-3, published 1950
"He considered the mind of man like a room, which is either made agreeable or the reverse by the pictures with which it is adorned."
preview | full record— Boswell, James (1740-1795)
Date: January 1762
"Sans cet art, mon âme se pliant avec peine à des biais chimériques, l’illusion ne serait que momentanée et l’impression faible et passagère. [Without this art, my mind would easily take to the paths of fantasy, there would be only a fleeting illusion and a faint, passing impression.]"
preview | full record— Diderot, Denis (1713-1784)
Date: January 1762
"Richardson sème dans les cœurs des germes de vertu qui y restent d’abord oisifs et tranquilles: ils y sont secrètement, jusqu’à ce qu’il se présente une occasion qui les remue et les fasse éclore. [Richardson sows in our hearts the seeds of virtue which at first remain still and inactive: their ...
preview | full record— Diderot, Denis (1713-1784)
Date: January 1762
"C’est lui qui porte le flambeau au fond de la caverne; c’est lui qui apprend à discerner les motifs subtils et déshonnêtes qui se cachent et se dérobent sous d’autres motifs qui sont honnêtes et qui se hâtent de se montrer les premiers. Il souffle sur le fantôme sublime qui se présente à l’entré...
preview | full record— Diderot, Denis (1713-1784)
Date: w. 1764, 1953
"My mind is like an air-pump which receives and ejects ideas with wonderful facility."
preview | full record— Boswell, James (1740-1795)
Date: 1766-1769, 1956
"Formerly my mind was quite a lodging-house for all ideas who chose to put up there, so that it was at the mercy of accident, for I had no fixed mind of my own. Now my mind is a house where, though the street rooms and the upper floors are open to strangers, yet there is always a settled family i...
preview | full record— Boswell, James (1740-1795)
Date: 1766-1769, 1956
"Only this more. The ideas--my lodgers--are of all sorts. Some, gentlemen of the law, who pay me a great deal more than others. Divines of all sorts have been with me, and have ever disturbed me. When I first took up house, Presbyterian ministers used to make me melancholy with dreary tones. Meth...
preview | full record— Boswell, James (1740-1795)
Date: 1766-1769, 1956
"This family! this landlord, let me say, or this landlady, as the mind and the soul are both she. I shall confuse myself with metaphor. Let me then have done with it."
preview | full record— Boswell, James (1740-1795)
Date: w. 1774-6, 1921
"As to the brutes it [whipping] inflicts no wound on their mind, whose Natures seem made to bear it, and whose sufferings are not attended with shame or pain beyond the present moment."
preview | full record— Schaw, Janet (c. 1731-c. 1801)