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Date: 1744

"Falters thy tongue, and fails to speak, / And heaves thy breast, and droops thy head, / Glimmers the lamp of life, and dies"

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1744

"I do verily think there is not any other medicine whatsoever so effectual to restore a crazy constitution, and cheer a dreary mind, or so likely to subvert that gloomy empire of the spleen (Sect. 103) which tyrannizeth over the better sort (as they are called) of these free nations, and maketh t...

— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)

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Date: 1744

"That philosopher [Aristotle] held that the mind of man was a tabula rasa, and that there were no innate ideas."

— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)

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Date: 1744

"And notwithstanding the tabula rasa of Aristotle, yet some of his followers have undertaken to make him speak Plato's sense."

— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)

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Date: 1744

"As the body is said to clothe the soul, so the nerves may be said to constitute her inner garment."

— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"These flattering scenes / To this neglected labour court my song; / Yet not unconscious what a doubtful task / To paint the finest features of the mind, / And to most subtile and mysterious things / Give colour, strength, and motion."

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"Call now to mind what high capacious powers / Lie folded up in man; how far beyond / The praise of mortals, may the eternal growth / Of nature to perfection half divine, / Expand the blooming soul?"

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"Mind, mind alone, (bear witness, earth and heaven!) / The living fountains in itself contains / Of beauteous and sublime."

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"Not so the moral species, nor the powers / Of genius and design; the ambitious mind / There sees herself: by these congenial forms / Touch'd and awaken'd, with intenser act / She bends each nerve, and meditates well-pleas'd / Her features in the mirror."

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"Yet more: her honours where nor beauty claims, / Nor shews of good the thirsty sense allure, / From passion's power alone our nature holds / Essential pleasure."

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.