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Date: w. 1782, 1786, 1816

"In the first ebullition of his fury, Vathek had resolved to rip open the body of Alboufaki and to stuff it with those of the negresses and of Carathis herself, but the remembrance of the Giaour, the palace of Istakar, the sabres, and the talismans, flashing before his imagination, with the simul...

— Beckford, William (1760-1844)

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Date: w. 1782, 1786, 1816

"One of these beneficent Genii, assuming, without delay, the exterior of a shepherd, more renowned for his piety than all the derviches and santons of the region, took his station near a flock of white sheep, on the slope of a hill; and began to pour forth, from his flute, such airs of pathetic m...

— Beckford, William (1760-1844)

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Date: w. 1782, 1786, 1816

"Till then I am in torments, ineffable torments! an unrelenting fire preys on my heart."

— Beckford, William (1760-1844)

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Date: w. 1782, 1786, 1816

"Having uttered this exclamation, Soliman raised his hands towards heaven, in token of supplication; and the Caliph discerned through his bosom, which was transparent as crystal, his heart enveloped in flames."

— Beckford, William (1760-1844)

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Date: w. 1782, 1786, 1816

"They went wandering on, from chamber to chamber; hall to hall; and gallery to gallery; all without bounds or limit; all distinguishable by the same louring gloom; all adorned with the same awful grandeur; all traversed by persons in search of repose and consolation; but, who sought them in vain;...

— Beckford, William (1760-1844)

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Date: w. 1782, 1786, 1816

"Vathek, too much cast down to express the indignation excited by such a discourse, ordered the afrit to remove Carathis from his presence, and continued immersed in thoughts which his companions durst not disturb."

— Beckford, William (1760-1844)

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Date: w. 1782, 1786, 1816

"Instantaneously, the haughty forehead of the intrepid princess became corrugated with agony: she uttered a tremendous yell; and fixed, no more to be withdrawn, her right hand upon her heart, which was become a receptacle of eternal fire."

— Beckford, William (1760-1844)

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Date: w. 1782, 1786, 1816

"Their hearts immediately took fire, and they, at once, lost the most precious gift of heaven:--Hope."

— Beckford, William (1760-1844)

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Date: 1786

"Perhaps of my policy to, in confessing at once, what my wandering ideas, and disjointed style would soon have discover'd."

— Lee, Harriet (1757/8-1851)

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Date: 1786

"There was a time when my feelings gave the lie to their assertions; and holding the mirror of fancy before my eyes, shew'd me the future, in the happy present."

— Lee, Harriet (1757/8-1851)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.