Date: 1697
"St. Austin names Memory the Soul's Belly or Storehouse, or the Receptacle of the Mind, because it is appointed to receive and lay up as in a Treasury, those things that may be for our Benefit and Advantage."
preview | full record— D'Assigny, Marius (1643-1717)
Date: 1698
"For Slanders vile, and lying Stories / Lodg'd in its choice Repositories, / Whilst all their Doors were shut and barr'd / 'Gainst Worth and Merit very hard"
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1699
"We do plainly perceive that our Bodies are clogs to our Minds: And all the use that even the purest sort of Body in an Estate conceived to be glorified, can be of to a Mind, is to be an Instrument of local Motion, or to be a repository of Ideas for Memory and Imagination."
preview | full record— Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715)
Date: 1700
"And so, tho they have Reason, yet are they not Reasonable, because that Reason is none of their own, only as Gifted, that is, Accidental, but not Natural to them; and so they can no more be called Rational, than a Bag can be called Rich, that has Money in it."
preview | full record— Leslie, Charles (1650-1722)
Date: 1700
"Or a Bartholomew-Baby Beau, newly Launch'd out of a Chocolate-House, with his Pockets as empty as his Brains."
preview | full record— Brown, Thomas (bap. 1663, d. 1704)
Date: 1700
"Here walk'd a Fellow with a long white Rod on his Shoulder, that's asham'd to cry his Trade, though he gets his Living by it; another bawling out TODD's Four Volumes in Print, which a Man in Reading of, wou'd wonder that so much Venom should not tear him to pieces, but that some of the ancient M...
preview | full record— Brown, Thomas (bap. 1663, d. 1704)
Date: 1701
"Conceit, like Wind, has seiz'd the empty Head, and Men convulsively strive to utter what they want a Fund of Brains to yeild."
preview | full record— Baker, Thomas (b. 1680-1)
Date: 1701
"Confusions! Noises! That teaze Retirement, and only eccho in an empty Head."
preview | full record— Baker, Thomas (b. 1680-1)
Date: 1702
"Do you understand how your Soul ... preserves its Treasure of Ideas, to produce them at pleasure"?
preview | full record— Trotter, Catherine, later Cockburn, (1674?-1749)
Date: 1702
But if ideas "remain in the Soul when I was only thinking of a Horse, whereever they are bestow'd, it may be presum'd, there is room for that one idea more without thrusting out another to give it place: and when that one is among them, I see no more reason why they must be all new imprest, than ...
preview | full record— Trotter, Catherine, later Cockburn, (1674?-1749)