"Or a Bartholomew-Baby Beau, newly Launch'd out of a Chocolate-House, with his Pockets as empty as his Brains."

— Brown, Thomas (bap. 1663, d. 1704)

Place of Publication
Printed for John Nutt
"Or a Bartholomew-Baby Beau, newly Launch'd out of a Chocolate-House, with his Pockets as empty as his Brains."
Metaphor in Context
He sees an infinite Number of different Machines, all in violent Motion. Some Riding on the Top, some Within, others Behind, and Jehu in the Coach-Box before, whirling some Dignify'd Villain towards the Devil, who has got an Estate by Cheating the Publick. He Lolls at full Stretch within, and half a Dozen Brawny Bulk-begotten Footmen behind. Some Carry, others are Carry'd: Make Way there, says a Gouty-Leg'd Chairman, that is carrying a Punk of Quality to a Mornings Exercise: Or a Bartholomew-Baby Beau, newly Launch'd out of a Chocolate-House, with his Pockets as empty as his Brains. Make Room there, says another Fellow driving a Wheel-Barrow of Nuts, that spoil the Lungs of the City Prentices, and make them Wheeze over their Mistresses, as bad as the Phlegmatick Cuckolds their Masters do, when call'd to Family Duty. One Draws, another Drives. Stand up there, you Blind Dog, says a Carman, Will you have the Cart squeeze your Guts out? One Tinker Knocks, another Bawls, Have you Brass Pot, Iron Pot, Kettle, Skillet, or a Frying-Pan to mend: Whilst another Son of a Whore yells louder than Homer's Stentor, Two a Groat, and Four for Six Pence Mackarel. One draws his Mouth up to his Ears, and Howls out, Buy my Flawnders, and is followed by an Old Burly Drab, that Screams out the Sale of her Maids and her Sole at the same Instant.
(pp. 21-2)
C-H Lion
Amusements Serious and Comical, Calculated for the Meridian of London. By Mr. Brown (London: Printed for John Nutt, 1700).<2nd ed. in ECCO><Collected in 3rd vol. of Brown's Works in Google Books>
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.