Date: 1765 [1764]
"Alone in so dismal a place, her mind imprinted with all the terrible events of the day, hopeless of escaping, expecting every moment the arrival of Manfred, and far from tranquil on knowing she was within reach of somebody, she knew not whom, who for some cause seemed concealed thereabouts,...
preview | full record— Walpole, Horatio [Horace], fourth earl of Orford (1717-1797)
Date: 1765, 1770
"When of old / Arcadia's peaceful shepherds uncontroul'd / Their ranging flocks thro' boundless pastures drove, / Or tun'd their pipes beneath the myrtle grove, / Their laws on brazen tablets unimprest / Were deeply grav'd on each ingenuous breast, / No proud Vicegerent of Astrea reign'd, / Astre...
preview | full record— Wodhull, Michael (1740-1816)
Date: 1766, 1806
"WITH falsehood lurking in thy sordid breast, / And perj'ry's seal upon thy heart imprest, / Dar'st thou, Oh Christian! brave the sounding waves, / The treach'rous whirlwinds, and untrophied graves?"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1768
"Maria, tho' not tall, was nevertheless of the first order of fine forms--affliction had touch'd her looks with something that was scarce earthly--still she was feminine--and so much was there about her of all that the heart wishes, or the eye looks for in woman, that could the traces be ever wor...
preview | full record— Sterne, Laurence (1713-1768)
Date: 1771
"As the Wax would not be adequate to its business of Signature, had it not a Power to retain, as well as to receive; the same holds of the SOUL, with respect to Sense and Imagination."
preview | full record— Harris, James (1709-1780)
Date: December 10, 1774; 1775
"That disposition, which is so strong in children, still continues with us, of catching involuntarily the general air, and manner, of those with whom we are most conversant; with this difference only, that a young mind is naturally pliable and imitative; but in a more advanced state it grows rigi...
preview | full record— Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792)
Date: 1778
"Ideas thus fixed by sensible objects, will be certain and definitive; and sinking deep into the mind, will not only be more just, but more lasting than those presented to you by precepts only: which will, always be fleeting, variable, and undetermined."
preview | full record— Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792)
Date: December 10, 1778; 1779
"Novelty makes a more forcible impression on the mind, than can be done by representation of what we have often seen before; and contrasts rouse the power of comparison by opposition."
preview | full record— Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792)
Date: 1781
The "passive mind" may be (merely) impressed by substances and modes
preview | full record— Cowper, William (1731-1800)
Date: 1782
"The mind and conduct mutually imprint / And stamp their image in each other's mint."
preview | full record— Cowper, William (1731-1800)