"The mind and conduct mutually imprint / And stamp their image in each other's mint."
— Cowper, William (1731-1800)
Work Title
Place of Publication
Joseph Johnson
"The mind and conduct mutually imprint / And stamp their image in each other's mint."
Metaphor in Context
Faults in the life breed errors in the brain,
And these, reciprocally, those again.
The mind and conduct mutually imprint
And stamp their image in each other's mint.
Each, sire and dam of an infernal race,
Begetting and conceiving all that's base.
(ll. 564-569, p. 278; cf. p. 69 in 1782 ed.)
And these, reciprocally, those again.
The mind and conduct mutually imprint
And stamp their image in each other's mint.
Each, sire and dam of an infernal race,
Begetting and conceiving all that's base.
(ll. 564-569, p. 278; cf. p. 69 in 1782 ed.)
Found again searching "stamp" and "mind" in HDIS (Poetry); confirmed in ECCO-TCP.
See Poems by William Cowper (London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1782). <Link to Google Books><Link to ECCO-TCP>
Text from The Works of William Cowper (London: Baldwin and Cradock, 1835-1837).
Reading The Poems of William Cowper, 3 vols. ed. John D. Baird and Charles Ryskamp (Oxford: Oxford UP: 1980), I, pp. 262-279.
Text from The Works of William Cowper (London: Baldwin and Cradock, 1835-1837).
Reading The Poems of William Cowper, 3 vols. ed. John D. Baird and Charles Ryskamp (Oxford: Oxford UP: 1980), I, pp. 262-279.
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