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Date: 1744

"That tyrant, Hope, mark how she domineers: / She bids us quit realities for dreams; / Safety and peace, for hazard and alarm: / That tyrant o'er the tyrants of the soul."

— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)

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Date: 1744

"Nor dreadful our transition; though the mind, / An artist at creating self-alarms, / Rich in expedients for inquietude, / Is prone to paint it dreadful."

— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)

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Date: 1744

"What wealth in Intellect, that sovereign power, / Which Sense and Fancy summons to the bar; / Interrogates, approves, or reprehends; / And from the mass those underlings import, / From their materials sifted, and refined, / And in Truth's balance accurately weigh'd, / Forms art and science, gove...

— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"Such then is the abode / Of folly in the mind; and such the shapes / In which she governs her obsequious train."

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"Let the mind / Recall one partner of the various league, / Immediate, lo! the firm confederates rise, / And each his former station strait resumes: / One movement governs the consenting throng, / And all at once with rosy pleasure shine, / Or all are sadden'd with the glooms of care."

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"By these mysterious ties the busy power / Of memory her ideal train preserves / Intire; or when they would elude her watch, / Reclaims their fleeting footsteps from the waste / Of dark oblivion."

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"[T]hus pale revenge / Unsheaths her murderous dagger; and the hands / Of lust and rapine, with unholy arts, / Watch to o'erturn the barrier of the laws / That keeps them from their prey: thus all the plagues / The wicked bear, or o'er the trembling scene / The tragic muse discloses, under shapes...

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"Then the inexpressive strain / Diffuses its inchantment: fancy dreams / Of sacred fountains and Elysian groves, / And vales of bliss: the intellectual power / Bends from his awful throne a wondering ear, / And smiles: the passions, gently sooth'd away, / Sink to divine repose, and love and joy /...

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"Then to the secrets of the working mind / Attentive turn; from dim oblivion call / Her fleet, ideal band; and bid them, go!"

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1744, 1772, 1795

"But beyond / This energy of truth, whose dictates bind / Assenting reason, the benignant sire, / To deck the honour'd paths of just and good, / Has added bright imagination's rays."

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.