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Date: Dec. 15, 2018

"They found that the most disrupted genes were those for growth factors, proteins that act like a kind of brain fertilizer"

— Friedman, Richard A.

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Date: Dec. 15, 2018

"'And that is in fact devastating because brain remodeling is something we need to do all the time — we are constantly rewiring our brains based on past experience and the expectation of how we need to use them in the future,' Dr. Akil said."

— Friedman, Richard A.

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Date: 2018

"This isn't my way to cope / Washing my mind out with soap."

— Karly-Marina Loaiza [Kali Uchis] (b. July 17, 1994)

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Date: June 18, 2018

"Her brain was in overdrive."

— Wang, Weike

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Date: 2018

"I'm doing fine / Trying to derail my one track mind."

— Dacus, Lucy (b. May 2, 1995)

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Date: January 8, 2019

"When they discover the anti-Semitism of Wharton or Dostoyevsky, the racism of Walt Whitman or Joseph Conrad, the sexism of Ernest Hemingway or Richard Wright, the class snobbery of E. M. Forster or Virginia Woolf, not all of them express their repugnance as dramatically as the student I talked t...

— Morton, Brian (b. July 8, 1955)

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Date: January 26, 2019

"His mind is not what it was, and at its peak it was more of a Magic 8 Ball than a supercomputer."

— Roth, David

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Date: January 26, 2019

"It's because he's literally fucking being investigated for his relationship with Russia and because he very much wants people to think he's not, and because that's honestly the best he can do because his brain is an old donut bobbing around in a toilet."

— Roth, David

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Date: February 2, 2019

"Is this an O.K. time to let the kids play Fortnite until their brains melt into the back seat?"

— Pamela, Paul

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Date: February 2, 2019

"My mind had no choice but to drift into an elaborate fantasy realm."

— Pamela, Paul

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.