"My mind had no choice but to drift into an elaborate fantasy realm."
— Pamela, Paul
February 2, 2019
"My mind had no choice but to drift into an elaborate fantasy realm."
Metaphor in Context
Because things happen when you're bored. Some of the most boring jobs I've had were also the most creative. Working at an import factory after school, I pasted photos of ugly Peruvian sweaters onto sales sheets. My hands became encrusted with glue as the sweaters blurred into a clumpy sameness. For some reason, everything smelled like molasses. My mind had no choice but to drift into an elaborate fantasy realm. It's when you are bored that stories set in. Checking out groceries at the supermarket, I invented narratives around people's purchases. The man buying eggplant and a six-pack of Bud at 9 p.m.: Which was the must-get item and which the impulse purchase? How did my former fifth-grade teacher feel about my observing her weekly purchase of Nutter Butters?
Pamela Paul, "Let Children Get Bored Again," The New York Times (February 2, 2019). <Link to NYTimes.com>
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