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Date: 1705

"Natalis Comes says, The Genii or Daemons present us with the Species or Images of those things they would perswade us to, as in a Glass; on which Images, when our Soul privately looks, those things come into our Mind; which, if consider'd with Reason, give us a right determination of Mind."

— Beaumont, John (c.1640-1731)

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Date: 1705

"Superstition, and Despair of Eternal Salvation are wont to imprint on the sensitive Soul, the Blood and Body, in a manner the like affects of Melancholy, as Love and Jealousie, tho' some way after a different manner of affecting; for in the former, the Object whose getting or loss is in danger, ...

— Beaumont, John (c.1640-1731)

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Date: 1705

"But if the Corporeal Soul withstanding, as it often happens, the Rational still insists with Admonitions and Threats, presently the other growing hot, moves the Blood and Spirits after a disorderly manner, opposes Corporeal Goods and Pleasures, to the Spiritual presented by the Understanding, an...

— Beaumont, John (c.1640-1731)

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Date: 1705

"At length a Court of Conscience is erected by the Mind, where all particular Acts are scrupulously examined, by reason of these frequent Variances of the Souls, the Animal Spirits, as being too much, and in a manner perpetually exercised, and being commanded here and there contrary ways, and alm...

— Beaumont, John (c.1640-1731)

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Date: 1705

"In those kinds of affects, the Corporeal Soul being carryed away, as it were by Violence, both Divorces it self from the Body, and being modified according to the Character of the Idea imprinted, is wont to take a New Species, either Angelical, or Diabolical; mean while the Understanding, inasmu...

— Beaumont, John (c.1640-1731)

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Date: 1705

"T' enjoy the World's Conveniencies, / Be fam'd in War, yet live in Ease, / Without great Vices, is a vain / Eutopia seated in the Brain."

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1706, 1715 [1706-1721]

"At the sight of this object I am not my own master: my soul is disturbed and rebels, and I fancy it has a mind to leave me!"

— Anonymous

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Date: 1706, 1715 [1706-1721]

"Call in then your wandering reason, and put yourself in a condition to appear before her as good breeding requires."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1706, 1715 [1706-1721]

"Dear object of my soul, cries he, with a feeble voice, receive my faith with this hand, while I assure you with the other, that my heart shall for ever preserve the fire with which it burns for you."

— Anonymous

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Date: 1706, 1715 [1706-1721]

"Although your picture be deeply engraven in my heart, my eyes desire constantly to see the original; and they will lose their light if they be any considerable time deprived of it."

— Anonymous

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.