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Date: 1702

"Open to Love your long-shut Breast, / And entertain its sweetest Guest."

— Sedley, Sir Charles (1639-1701)

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Date: 1702

"The faculties of the Soul, like the parts of the Body, receive nourishment from use, and derive skill as well as they do force and vigour from exercise"

— Dennis, John (1658-1734)

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Date: 1702

"But then reflecting that I might possibly o'er-hear some part of their Discourse, and by that judge of Leonora's Thoughts, I rein'd my Passion in; and by the help of an advancing Buttress, which kept me from their sight, I learnt the black Conspiracy."

— Vanbrugh, Sir John (1664-1726)

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Date: 1702

"In the meantime there can be but two ways of knowing that Veracity is a Perfection, either it is an innate Principle, originally Imprinted on the Mind, (which I shall not endeavour to confute, Mr. Lock having done it sufficiently, nor is it needful to my Purpose)."

— Trotter, Catherine, later Cockburn, (1674?-1749)

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Date: 1702

"Do you understand how your Soul ... preserves its Treasure of Ideas, to produce them at pleasure"?

— Trotter, Catherine, later Cockburn, (1674?-1749)

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Date: 1702

"The force of which Argument lies thus, Cogitation in the Soul answering to Motion in Body, as the same Motion cannot be restor'd, but a new Motion may be produc'd; so the same Cogitations cannot be restor'd, but new Cogitations must be produc'd."

— Trotter, Catherine, later Cockburn, (1674?-1749)

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Date: 1702

But if ideas "remain in the Soul when I was only thinking of a Horse, whereever they are bestow'd, it may be presum'd, there is room for that one idea more without thrusting out another to give it place: and when that one is among them, I see no more reason why they must be all new imprest, than ...

— Trotter, Catherine, later Cockburn, (1674?-1749)

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Date: 1702

It is "most consonant to Reason to think this [LIfe] is only a State of Probation, and that the dispensation of Rewards and Punishments, is reserv'd for a Future Life; there being no other way to reconcile the partial distribution of things here, to that order which we know is agreeable to the Di...

— Trotter, Catherine, later Cockburn, (1674?-1749)

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Date: 1702

Some Objects may "promote our Joy, are bright to the Eye, or stamp upon our Minds, Pleasure, and Self-satisfaction"

— Steele, Sir Richard (1672-1729)

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Date: 1692, 1702

"The Soul of Man comes into this World at least as Ill-informed of the Affairs of Grace, as those of Nature. It is in all respects, a Rasa tabula, a meer Blank, and hath need of being fill'd with every thing"

— Jurieu, Pierre (1637-1713); Fleetwood, William, Trans.

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.