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Date: 1700

"As it can't but be uneasie to the Person who pays it, so he who receives it will be sometimes disappointed when he expects to find it, for that Woman must be endow'd with a Wisdom and Goodness much above what we suppose the Sex capable of, I fear much greater than e're a Man can pretend to, who ...

— Astell, Mary (1666–1731)

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Date: 1700

"Superiors indeed are too apt to forget the common Priviledges of Mankind; that their Inferiors share with them the greatest Benefits, and are as capable as themselves of enjoying the supreme Good; that tho' the Order of the World requires an Outward Respect and Obedience from some to others, yet...

— Astell, Mary (1666–1731)

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Date: 1700

"What Government of his Passions!"

— Astell, Mary (1666–1731)

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Date: 1700

"She will discern a time when her Sex shall be no bar to the best Employments, the highest Honor; a time when that distinction, now so much us'd to her Prejudice, shall be no more, but provided she is not wanting to her self, her Soul shall shine as bright as the greatest Heroe's."

— Astell, Mary (1666–1731)

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Date: 1700

"Not as an absolute Lord and Master, with an Arbitrary and Tyrannical sway, but as Reason Governs and Conducts a Man, by proposing what is Just and Fit."

— Astell, Mary (1666–1731)

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Date: 1700, 1717

"Thus all Things are but alter'd, nothing dies; / And here and there th' unbodied Spirit flies, / By Time, or Force, or Sickness dispossess, / And lodges, where it lights, in Man or Beast; / Or hunts without, till ready Limbs it find, / And actuates those according to their kind; / From Tenement ...

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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Date: 1700, 1717

"And, as the soften'd Wax new Seals receives, / This Face assumes, and that Impression leaves; / Now call'd by one, now by another Name; / The Form is only chang'd, the Wax is still the same."

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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Date: 1700, 1717

"Then let not Piety be put to flight, / To please the tast of Glutton-Appetite; / But suffer inmate Souls secure to dwell, / Lest from their Seats your Parents you expel; / With rabid Hunger feed upon your kind, / Or from a Beast dislodge a Brother's Mind."

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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Date: 1700, 1717

"This Helenus to great AEneas told, / Which I retain, e'er since in other Mould: / My Soul was cloath'd; and now rejoice to view / My Country Walls rebuilt, and Troy reviv'd anew, / Rais'd by the fall: Decreed by Loss to Gain; / Enslav'd but to be free, and conquer'd but to reign."

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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Date: 1700

"Whilst our own Will our Passions shall restrain, / He [Nassaw] gives us each an Empire where to Reign."

— Hopkins, John (b. 1675)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.