Date: 1693
"None, none descends into himself; to find / The secret Imperfections of his Mind: / But ev'ry one is Eagle-ey'd, to see / Another's Faults, and his Deformity."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1693
"Knock on my Heart; for thou hast skill to find / If it sound solid, or be fill'd with Wind; / And, thro the veil of words, thou view'st the naked Mind."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1693
"But if thy Passions lord it in thy Breast, / Art thou not still a Slave, and still opprest."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1694, 1778
"But he said, that Vulcan was the most imprudent of them all, because he did not make a Window in the Man's Breast, that he might see what his Thoughts were, whether he designed some Trick, or whether he intended what he spoke."
preview | full record— Pomey, François (1618-1673)
Date: 1694, 1708
"At length, with more prevailing rage possest, / Her jealous honour steels her daring breast / The thoughts of injur'd fame new courage gave, / And nicer virtue now confirms her brave."
preview | full record— Yalden, Thomas (1670-1736)
Date: 1694, 1708
"But wretched thou, whoe'er my rival art, / That fondly boasts an empire o'er her heart."
preview | full record— Yalden, Thomas (1670-1736)
Date: 1697, 1700
"Nor think thy force too small, too weak thy Mind / Because to Clay unequally confined; / Its Power is wondrous Great; how small a Mass / Of Gold or Gems, exceeds vast Heaps of Brass?"
preview | full record— Manilius, Marcus (fl. 1st Century AD), Creech, Thomas (1659-1700)
Date: 1697, 1700
"And from the narrow limits of the Heart, / The Active Soul doth vigorous Life impart / To all the Limbs, its Sway the Members own, / Wide is its Empire from its petty Throne."
preview | full record— Manilius, Marcus (fl. 1st Century AD), Creech, Thomas (1659-1700)
Date: 1697
"But when Ulysses, with fallacious arts, / Had made impression in the people's hearts,"
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1697
"Her charms unbind / The chains of love, or fix them on the mind."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)