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Date: 1797

"Its highly-vaulted aisles, extending in twilight perspective, where a monk, or a pilgrim only, now and then crossed, whose dark figures, passing without sound, vanished like shadows; the universal stillness of the place, the gleam of tapers from the high altar, and of lamps, which gave a gloomy ...

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"As they passed with silent steps along the winding rocks, the tranquillity of the landscape below afforded an affecting contrast with the tumult and alarm of their minds."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"In the eagerness of conversation, and, yielding to the satisfaction which the mind receives from exercising ideas that have long slept in dusky indolence, and to the pleasure of admitting new ones, the Abbot and a few of the brothers sat with Vivaldi to a late hour."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"'Justice does not the less exist, because her laws are neglected,' observed Schedoni. 'A sense of what she commands lives in every breast; and when we fail to obey that sense, it is to weakness, not to virtue, that we yield.'"

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"She feared to think, and still more to name it; yet, so acutely susceptible was her pride, so stern her indignation, and so profound her desire of vengeance, that her mind was tossed as on a tempestuous ocean, and these terrible feelings threatened to overwhelm the residue of humanity in her hea...

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"But, though his mind became clouded, his countenance remained unaltered; it was grave and thoughtful."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"My mind is perpetually haunted by a sense of my misfortune; it has no respite; awake or in my dream, this ungrateful son alike pursues me!"

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"The Marchesa mused; for her conscience also was eloquent. She tried to overcome its voice, but it would be heard; and sometimes such starts of horrible conviction came over her mind, that she felt as one who, awaking from a dream, opens his eyes only to measure the depth of the precipice on whic...

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

""But returning passion, like a wave that has recoiled from the shore, afterwards came with recollected energy, and swept from her feeble mind the barriers which reason and conscience had begun to rear."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"'Behold, what is woman!' said he--'The slave of her passions, the dupe of her senses! When pride and revenge speak in her breast, she defies obstacles, and laughs at crimes!'" "Assail but her senses; let music, for instance, touch some feeble chord of her heart, and echo to her fancy, and lo! al...

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.