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Date: 1761

One may be "by a blameless life, endeavouring to blot out the memory of her fault"

— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)

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Date: 1761

Faulkland has "steeled my husband's heart against me, heaped infamy on my head, and loaded my mother's age with sorrow and remorse"

— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)

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Date: 1761

"If the unfortunate Mr. Arnold sees his error, can you be so unchristian as to endeavour at steeling his wife's heart against him?"

— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)

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Date: 1761

"This was the master-key to her behaviour, and once I had got it, which I soon did, it was easy to unlock her breast."

— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)

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Date: 1761

"Hitherto her memory had been wholly suspended by violent passions, which had crowded upon her in a rapid and uninterrupted succession, and the first gleam of recollection threw her into a new agony"

— Hawkesworth, John (bap. 1720, d. 1773)

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Date: 1761

"I have been a slave to a hopeless passion too long; I am now resolved to struggle with my chains: you, Madam, must assist me in breaking them intirely; and I make no doubt but that time, joined to my own efforts, and aided by your sweetness of disposition, your tenderness, and admirable sense, w...

— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)

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Date: 1761

"Your image in my mind is the only object of my passionate adoration."

— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778); Kenrick, William (1729/30-1779)

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Date: 1761

"In short, the whole face of nature appears as decayed to my outward senses, as I myself from within am dead to hope and joy."

— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778); Kenrick, William (1729/30-1779)

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Date: 1761

"I admire and revere the purity of your sentiments, the innocence of your life; I trace out in my mind the method of your daily conduct, by comparing it with what I formerly well knew in happier days, and under more endearing circumstances."

— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778); Kenrick, William (1729/30-1779)

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Date: 1761

"Your sorrow is of the calmer, mine of the more passionate kind, yet though the affection of the mind be the same, it takes its colour in each from the different channels through which it runs; and indeed it is but natural, that the greatest misfortunes should produce the most disquieting anxieti...

— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778); Kenrick, William (1729/30-1779)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.