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Date: 1669

"Eloquence is a painting of thought; and thus those who, after having painted it, add something more, make a picture instead of a portrait."

— Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)

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Date: 1670

"Having to his great Wit added the ballast of Learning"

— Walton, Izaak (1593-1683)

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Date: 1672, 1727

"The Obligation arises no otherwise from the Love of our Happiness, than the Truth of Propositions concerning the Existence of Things natural, and of their First Cause, which is thence discover'd, arises from the Credit given to the Testimony of our Senses."

— Cumberland, Richard (1632-1718)

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Date: 1672, 1701

"The Contemplation of the Object represents the matter to the mind, in the same manner as its outward appearance doth to the Eye."

— Salmon, William (1644-1713)

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Date: 1673

Modest "is indeed a vertu of a general influence; does not only ballast the mind with sober and humble thoughts of ones self, but also steers every part of the outward frame."

— Allestree, Richard (1611/2-1681)

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Date: 1673

" For tho the adulterations of art, can represent in the same Face beauty in one position, and deformity in another, yet nature is more sincere, and never meant a serene and clear forhead, should be the frontispiece to a cloudy tempestuous heart."

— Allestree, Richard (1611/2-1681)

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Date: 1674

"To this inquiry therefore I diligently applied myself, both by reading and meditation; by Reading, that I might recall into my memory what I had long before transcribed out of the books of such Authors who had written judiciously and laudably of the Passions: by Meditation, that I might examin t...

— Charleton, Walter (1620-1707)

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Date: 1674

"And therefore for the more probable explication of the Phenomena of the Passions which are not raised in the Rational Soul, I found myself obliged to admit her to have a Sensitive one conjoyned with her, to receive her immediate suggestions, and to actuate the body according to her soveraign wil...

— Charleton, Walter (1620-1707)

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Date: 1674

"Secondly it seem'd to me no less unconceivable, whence that dismal ψυχομαχια or intestin war which every Man too frequently feels within himself, and whereof even St. Paul himself so sadly complained, when (in Epist. ad Roman. cap. 3.) he cries out, video aliam legem in membris meis repugnantem ...

— Charleton, Walter (1620-1707)

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Date: 1674

"What then can remain to cause this dire war daily observed within us, betwixt the allurements of our Sense, on one side, and the grave dictates of our Mind, on the other; but two distinct Agents, the Rational Soul and the Sensitive, coexistent within us, and hotly contending about the conduct of...

— Charleton, Walter (1620-1707)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.