Date: 1615
"For seeing the soul of man being cast into this prison of the body, cannot discharge her offices and functions without a corporeal Organ or instrument of the body; whosoever will attain unto the knowledge of the soul, it is necessary that he know the frame and composition of the body."
preview | full record— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)
Date: 1615
"Go too then, is not he said to know himself, who can tell how to temper and order the state and condition of his mind, how to appease those civil tumults within himself, by the storms and waves whereof he is pitifully tossed, and how to suppress and appease those varieties of passions wherewith ...
preview | full record— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)
Date: 1615
"For he that seeth and observeth the whole body, which by the structure and putting together of sundry parts of diverse sorts and kinds, is (as it were) manifold & full of variety, to be made one by the continuation and joining of those parts; he that considereth the admirable sympathy of the par...
preview | full record— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)
Date: 1615
"If you look into the seats and residence of the faculties of the mind, you shall find the rational faculty in the highest place, namely in the brain, compassed in on every side with a skull; the faculty of anger, in the Heart; the faculty of lust or desire in the Liver: & therefore we may gather...
preview | full record— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)
Date: 1615
"For the brain sitting in the highest place, as it were in a Tribunal, distributeth to every Organ or Instrument of the senses, offices of dignity: the Heart like a King maintaineth and cherisheth with his lively and quickening heat, the life of all the parts: the Liver the fountain and well-spri...
preview | full record— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)
Date: 1615
"The parts that are included within the Chest, do serve the Heart; those that are in the head, do attend the Brain, and so each to others, do afford their mutual services. And if any one of them do at any time fail of their duty, presently the whole Household government goes to ruine and decay."
preview | full record— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)
Date: 1615
"Enter thou whosoever thou art (though thou be an Atheist, and acknowledgest no God at all,) enter I beseech thee, into the Sacred Tower of Pallas, I mean the brain of Man, and behold and admire the pillars and arched Cloysters of that princely palace, the huge greatness of that stately building,...
preview | full record— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)
Date: 1615
"From the brain, turn the eye of thy mind to the gates of the Sun, and Windows of the soul, I mean the eyes, and there behold the brightness of the glittering Crystal, the purity and neat cleanness of the watery and glassy humors, the delicate and fine texture of the Tunicles, and the wonderfull ...
preview | full record— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)
Date: 1615
"But by spirits we understand the primary and immediate instrument of the soul, which the Stoicks calleth 'the Band which tyeth the soul and the body.'"
preview | full record— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)
Date: 1615
"Afterwards, as a Merchant that had lost all his inheritance in one bottom, he was to begin the world anew, and to gather an estate or stock of knowledge, by the travel and industry of his soul and body; yet was not his soul Abrasa Tabula, a playned Table, there remained some Lineaments which the...
preview | full record— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)