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Date: 1783

"These are some of the general heads, under which may be arranged the manifold treasures of human Memory."

— Beattie, James (1735-1803)

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Date: 1783

"Elegant speculations are sometimes found to float on the surface of the mind, while bad passions possess the interior regions of the heart."

— Blair, Hugh (1718-1800)

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Date: October, 1784

"HUMAN thoughts are like the planetary system, where many are fixed, and many wander, and many continue for ever unintelligible; or rather like meteors, which generally lose their substance with their lustre."

— Anonymous

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Date: October, 1784

"The understanding is like the sun, which gives light and life to the whole intellectual world; but the memory, regarding those things only that are past, is like the moon, which is new and full and has her wane by turns."

— Anonymous

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Date: October, 1784

"Peace is the calm which succeeds the tempest, and hushes the billows of interest and passion to rest."

— Anonymous

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Date: October, 1784

"Every man may learn the elements of geography, which is the noblest science in the world, from an attention to the temperature of his own mind."

— Anonymous

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Date: October, 1784

"They who take self-love for their guide, ride in the paths of partiality, on the horse of adulation, to the judge of falsehood; but he who prefers the mandate of reason, rides in the way of probability on the courser of prudence."

— Anonymous

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Date: October, 1784

"Prudence through the ground of misery cuts a river of patience, where the Mind swims in boats of tranquillity along the streams of life, until she arrives at the haven of death, where all streams meet."

— Anonymous

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Date: October, 1784

"The mind is a garden where all manner of seeds are sown."

— Anonymous

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Date: October, 1784

"Justice should be a man's governor [...] Reason his secretary, / Judgment his steward."

— Anonymous

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.