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Date: 1660, 1676

"That is, of that which God hath declared to be good or evil respectively, the conscience is to be informed. God hath taken care that his laws shall be published to all his subjects, he hath written them where they must needs read them, not in Tables of stone or Phylacteries on the forehead, but ...

— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)

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Date: 1676, 1703

"This is also abundantly proved by the Experience of all such, as being secretly touched with the Call of God's Grace unto them, do apply themselves to false Teachers, where the Remedy proves worse than the Disease; because, instead of knowing God, or the things relating to their Salvation aright...

— Barclay, Robert (1648-1690)

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Date: 1729

"The Brain of a Child, newly born, is Charte Blanche; and, as you have hinted very justly, we have no Ideas, which we are not obliged for to our Senses."

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1729

"But as the first Images are lost, so they are continually succeeded by new ones; and the Brain at first serves as a Slate to Cypher, or a Sampler to work upon."

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1782

"Oh! lads, beware the month of May;--for you blest girls--nature decked out--as in a birth-day suit--courts you with all its sweets--where-e'er you tread--the grass and wanton flowerets fondly kiss your feet--and humbly bow their pretty heads--to the gentle sweepings of your under-petticoats--the...

— Sancho, Charles Ignatius (1729-1780)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.