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Date: August 27, 1751

"At length weariness succeeds to labour, and the mind lies at ease in the contemplation of her own attainments, without any desire of new conquests or excursions."

— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)

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Date: 1752

"When cares invade your partner's heart, / Bear you a sympathising part, / And kindly claim your share of pain, / And half his troubles still sustain."

— Clark [née Lewis], Esther (bap. 1716, d. 1794)

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Date: 1752, 1790

A mind may be " Void of all coquettish arts, / And vain designs of conquering hearts"

— Jenyns, Soame (1704-1787)

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Date: 1752

Thoughts may war with one another

— Lennox, née Ramsay, (Barbara) Charlotte (1730/1?-1804)

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Date: 1752

"Assist me, Furies, with your hellish Aid, / Nor let the Tyrant Conscience more invade; / Since I am stain'd with Blood, thro' Blood I'll wade."

— Gentleman, Francis (1728-1784)

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Date: 1752

Affections struggle for superiority in the mind

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

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Date: 1752

"Upon the whole, however, she past a miserable and sleepless Night, her gentle Mind torn and distracted with various and contending Passions, distressed with Doubts, and wandring in a kind of Twilight, which presented her only Objects of different Degrees of Horrour, and where black Despair close...

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

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Date: 1752

Many "kind Words" and "many kind Looks" may make an entire Conquest of the Heart

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

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Date: 1753

One may make a new conquest and gain "a heart all flaming and adoration"

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: 1753

He had before this time, been smit with the ambition of making a conquest of the young lady's heart

— Smollett, Tobias (1721-1777)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.