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Date: 1796

"Who but myself has passed the ordeal of youth, yet sees no single stain upon his conscience?"

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"Pleasure fled, and Shame usurped her seat in his bosom."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"The pleasures which he had just tasted for the first time were still impressed upon his mind: his brain was bewildered, and presented a confused chaos of remorse, voluptuousness, inquietude, and fear."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"Frequent repetitions made him familiar with sin, and his bosom became proof against the stings of conscience."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"The climate's heat, 'tis well known, operates with no small influence upon the constitutions of the Spanish ladies: but the most abandoned would have thought it an easier task to inspire with passion the marble statue of St. Francis than the cold and rigid heart of the immaculate Ambrosio."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"She was fully persuaded, that at first she had made a terrible breach in his heart; but hearing nothing more of him, she supposed that he had quitted the pursuit, disgusted by the lowness of her origin, and knowing upon other terms than marriage he had nothing to hope from such a dragon of virtu...

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"He depended upon finding Antonia in some unguarded moment; and seeing no other man admitted into her society, nor hearing any mentioned either by her or by Elvira, he imagined that her young heart was still unoccupied."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"A secret, an horrible secret weighs heavy upon my soul."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"The suddenness of his action sufficed to dissipate the fumes which obscured Antonia's reason."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"Not so Lorenzo. Antonia's death, accompanied with such terrible circumstances, weighed upon his mind heavily."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.