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Date: 1728

"And whence the constant-shining Train, / That Mem'ry, or Experience shows?"

— Pattison, William (1706-1727)

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Date: 1729

"Souls, of your Stamp, can pity and protect, / And gather Fame from other Men's Neglect"

— Mitchell, Joseph (c. 1684-1738)

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Date: 1729

"Oh, let not then waste luxury impair / That manly soul of toil which strings your nerves, / And your own proper happiness creates!"

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1729

"E'en not all these, in one rich lot combined, / Can make the happy man, without the mind; / Where judgment sits clear-sighted, and surveys / The chain of reason with unerring gaze; / Where fancy lives, and to the brightening eyes, / His fairer scenes, and bolder figures rise; / Where social lov...

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1729

"Zephyrs, that oft, where lovers list'ning lie, / Along the grove, in melting music die, / And in lone caves to minds poetic roll / Seraphic whispers, that abstract the soul."

— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)

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Date: 1728, 1729, 1736

"A brain of feathers, and a heart of lead;] i. e. A trifling head, and a contracted heart,as the poet, book 4. describes the accomplished Sons of Dulness; of whom this is only an Image, or Scarecrow, and so stuffed out with these corresponding materials."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1730, 1744, 1746

"The awaken'd throb for virtue, and for fame; / The sympathies of love, and friendship dear; / With all the social offspring of the heart."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1730

"In vain with Reason's Ballast do we try / The Ocean of Eternity, / Unfathom'd, without Shore."

— Woodward, George (b. 1708?)

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Date: 1730

"Learning! that mazy Cobweb of the Brain, / That renders all the Avenues / Of Truth, that in itself is plain, / Impervious and abstruse, / Perplex'd and intricate, / By that false Engine of our Mind, Debate."

— Woodward, George (b. 1708?)

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Date: 1730

"Impatient flouncing through the drifted heaps, / Stung with the thoughts of home; the thoughts of home / Rush on his nerves, and call their vigour forth / In many a vain effort."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.