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Date: 1968

"The shop foreman [in one's head] goes about supervising that activity in a way that is, in essence, a microcosm of supervising tying one's shoe. Indeed the shop foreman might be imagined to superintend a detail of wage slaves, whose functions include: searching inputs for traces of shoelace, fle...

— Fodor, Jerry (b. 1935)

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Date: 1968

"Rather the little man stands as a representative pro tem for psychological faculties which mediate the integration of shoe-tying behavior by applying information about how shoes are tied."

— Fodor, Jerry (b. 1935)

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Date: 1968

"This is, I think, perfectly correct. The little man [in one's head], as we might say, has in his library pamphlets entitled 'Tying One's Shoes', 'Speaking Latin', and 'Typing 'Afghanistan"', but no pamphlet entitled 'Being Intelligent' or 'Speaking Latin Fluently' or 'Typing "Afghanistan" with P...

— Fodor, Jerry (b. 1935)

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Date: 1992

"The mind--considered as intellect and will together--is, if all goes well, supreme in the human soul; but neither intellect nor will is an autocratic emperor; rather, they are joint consuls on the model of the Roman Republic."

— Kenny, Anthony (b. 1931)

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Date: 1995, 2002

"However, as I said last night, we just ask for this because most of us consider ourselves as chauffeurs inside our bodies, which we own in the same way as we own a car. When it goes wrong we take it to the mechanic to fix it and we do not really identify with our body, just as we do not really i...

— Watts, Alan (1915-1973)

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Date: 1999

"There was always a subject, a "transcendental ego," applying the rules, which simply postponed a scientific theory of behavior by installing a little man (homunculus) in the mind to guide its actions."

— Dreyfus, Hubert L. (b. 1929)

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Date: 1999

"Another rather simplistic analogy might be a boss, at the centre of a big organization that is eventually going to recruit managers and submanagers. What in the brain could be the equivalent of the boss? The most obvious candidate, and one that might immediately spring to mind, is the basic comp...

— Greenfield, Susan (b. 1950)

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Date: 2001

"And in between these partings and reunions, like lovers, mind and body dream of what they might do together."

— Richardson, James (b. 1950)

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Date: 2003

"A few theorists have even begun to claim that the emotions are in fact in charge of the temple of morality and that moral reasoning is really just a servant masquerading as the high priest."

— Haidt, Jonathan

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Date: February 2003

"The primaries and the early events in an election would correspond roughly to the preliminary unconscious processing. The winning coalition associated with an object or event would correspond to the winning party, which would remain in power for some time and would attempt to influence and contr...

— Crick, Francis (1916-2004) and Christof Koch (b. 1956)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.