Date: 1686
"I am starv'd into a Substance so thin, that my Body is transparent; you may see my heart, and the appurtenances, hang up here in its mortal Closet, as easily as a Candle in a Lanthorn."
preview | full record— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)
Date: 1686
"Change did I say, that word I must forbear, / No, she bright Star wont wander from her sphere / Of Virtue (in which Female Souls do move) / Nor will she joyn with an insatiate love."
preview | full record— Egerton [née Fyge; other married name Field], Sarah (1670-1723)
Date: 1687, 1691
"Pray the Great God with me, That he will illuminate my Understanding with Inward Lights, until the Man promised by our Holy Prophet."
preview | full record— Marana, Giovanni Paolo (1642-1693); Anonymous [William Bradshaw (fl. 1700) or Robert Midgley (1655?-1723)?]
Date: 1687
"This Heart of mine, now wreck'd upon despair, / Was once as free and careless as the Air; / In th' early Morning of my tender years, / E're I was sensible of Hopes and Fears, / It floated in a Sea of Mirth and Ease, / And thought the World was only made to please; / No adverse Wind had ever stop...
preview | full record— Cutts, John, Baron Cutts of Gowran (1660/1-1707)
Date: 1688
"I will be deaf and blind, and guard my Heart with Walls of Ice, and make you know, that when the Flames of true Devotion are kindled in a Heart, it puts out all other Fires; which are as ineffectual, as Candles lighted in the Face of the Sun."
preview | full record— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)
Date: 1689
"In vain they strive your glorious Lamp to hide / In that dark Lanthorn to all noble minds, / Which, through the smallest cranny is descry'd, / Whose force united no resistance finds"
preview | full record— Cotton, Charles (1630-1687)
Date: 1690, 1694, 1695, 1700, 1706
"The Candle that is set up in us, shines bright enough for all our Purposes."
preview | full record— Locke, John (1632-1704)
Date: 1690, 1694, 1695, 1700, 1706
"Ideas do, whilst we are awake, succeed one another in our Minds at certain distances, not much unlike the Images in the inside of a Lanthorn, turned round by the Heat of a Candle"
preview | full record— Locke, John (1632-1704)
Date: 1690, 1694, 1695, 1700, 1706
The Candle of the Lord is set up in men's minds and "is impossible for the breath or Power of Man wholly to extinguish"
preview | full record— Locke, John (1632-1704)
Date: 1690, 1694, 1695, 1700, 1706
"This part of Knowledge is irresistible, and like bright Sun-shine, forces itself immediately to be perceived, as soon as ever the Mind turns its view that way; and leaves no room for Hesitation, Doubt, or Examination, but the Mind is presently filled with the clear light of it."
preview | full record— Locke, John (1632-1704)