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Date: 1766

"So get these lines, and what they do evince, / By heart; and they may give you some impressions, / Both of salvation and of your transgressions;"

— Nicol, Alexander (bap. 1703)

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Date: 1769

"But conscious that a mind by virtue steel'd, / To no impression of distress will yield."

— Wilkie, William (1721-1772)

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Date: 1772

"This fable is one of the noblest in all the ancient mythology, and seems to have made a particular impression on the imagination of Milton."

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1772

"The poetry of them is often extremely noble; and the mysterious air which prevails in them, together with its delightful impression upon the mind, cannot be better expressed than in that remarkable description with which they inspired the German editor Eschenbach."

— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)

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Date: 1773

"A deep impression on my mind / This farewel scene has left behind"

— Robertson, James (fl.1768-1788)

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Date: 1773, 1810

"Must not a being, then, by nature wrought, / To show her power in matter, and in thought, /Each light impression thrilling through his frame, /Inspired by heaven's most sublimated flame;"

— Stockdale, Percival (1736-1811)

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Date: 1773, 1894-1895

One may learn "her Lesson from within" and "There […] read the Characters imprest / Upon the Mind of ev'ry human Breast,-- / The native Laws prescrib'd to every Soul, / And Love, the One Fulfiller of the Whole."

— Byrom, John (1692-1763)

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Date: 1774-1776, 1788, 1803

"From a stranger hand / Ah, what can infancy expect, when she / Whose essence was inwove with thine, whose life, / Whose soul thou didst participate, neglects / Herself in thee, and breaks the strongest seal / Which nature stamp'd in vain upon her heart"

— Downman, Hugh (1740-1809)

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Date: 1774-1776, 1788, 1803

"Well-skill'd / To form the growing soul, and on its young / And opening bud to fix the impression deep / Of every generous thought"

— Downman, Hugh (1740-1809)

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Date: 1776

"The impression left on the philosophical mind by these historical facts, will naturally suggest some reflections on human nature."

— Mickle, William Julius [formerly William Meikle] (1734-1788)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.