Date: 1868
"The fiend out of my soul to chase, / And plant Thy kingdom in its place."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1868
"Set up Thy kingdom now, and seal / My heart Thine everlasting throne."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1868
God's "Spirit in [His] kingdom given / Makes our hearts [His] humble throne"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1868
People may "yield their hearts the sordid throne / Of pride or base desire."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1868
"And make my heart Thy peaceful throne."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1868
God may "in my humble heart maintain / [His] everlasting throne"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: April, 1871
"In cases like the Caliph Omar's, it governs all other desires, absorbs the whole nature, and rules the whole life."
preview | full record— Bagehot, William (1826-1877)
Date: April, 1871
"When the inability to prevent the recurrence of the idea is very great, so that the reason is powerless on the mind, the consequent "conviction" is an eager, irritable, and ungovernable passion."
preview | full record— Bagehot, William (1826-1877)
Date: 1883-1885
"Behind your thoughts and feelings, my brother, stands a mighty commander, and unknown sage--he is called Self. He lives in your body, he is your body."
preview | full record— Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900)
Date: 1890
"No rack can torture me, / My soul's at liberty."
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)