"And make my heart Thy peaceful throne."
— Wesley, John and Charles
"And make my heart Thy peaceful throne."
Metaphor in Context
The sight without the touch compell'd
His incredulity to yield,
And by Thy bleeding wounds subdued,
Thomas replied, My Lord, my God!
Thy wounds alone can conquer me,
Convince of Thy Divinity,
Assure that God is all my own,
And make my heart Thy peaceful throne.
His incredulity to yield,
And by Thy bleeding wounds subdued,
Thomas replied, My Lord, my God!
Thy wounds alone can conquer me,
Convince of Thy Divinity,
Assure that God is all my own,
And make my heart Thy peaceful throne.
Searching "throne" and "heart" in HDIS (Poetry)
Text from The Poetical works of John and Charles Wesley, Ed. G. Osborn, 13 vols. (London: The Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868). <Link to Hathi Trust>
More than 5,100 hymns written by Wesley for Short Hymns on Select Passages of the Holy Scriptures, with six books of material left (over 1,000 hymns) in manuscript. Unpublished were the hymns on the "Four Gospels and the Acts of Apostles."
More than 5,100 hymns written by Wesley for Short Hymns on Select Passages of the Holy Scriptures, with six books of material left (over 1,000 hymns) in manuscript. Unpublished were the hymns on the "Four Gospels and the Acts of Apostles."
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