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Date: 1728

"When Love in an impetuous Torrent flows, / How vainly Reason would its Force oppose; / Hurl'd down the Stream, like Flowers before the Wind, / She leaves to Love, the Empire of the Mind."

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

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Date: 1728

For a wise and virtuous king "Reason alone his upright judgement guides"

— Cooke, Thomas (1703-1756)

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Date: January 10, 1728.

"I knew no Directors, but my Passions, no Master but my Will!"

— Cibber, Colley (1671-1757); John Vanbrugh (1664-1726)

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Date: 1728

"Soon as the short Delirium past you find, / And Sense regains it's Empire o'er the Mind, / You bless the Hand that eas'd your anxious Cares, / And pour for Brunswick's House incessant Prayers!"

— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)

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Date: 1728

"Yet Care, a greater Tyrant, rules your Breast; / You, with a Nod, the suppliant World command, / Yet cannot rule that little Empire, Man."

— Pattison, William (1706-1727)

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Date: 1728

"[D]id we consider that the time will come, when we shall be as conscious of his Presence, as we are of our own Existence; as sensible of his Approbation or [195] Condemnation, as we are of the Testimony of our own Hearts; ... how should we despise that Honour which is...

— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)

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Date: 1728 (1733)

"Whereas Moralists and Philosophers, always taught, that a Man's Happiness did not depend upon any such vain Purfuits, or on the Possession or Enjoyment of any external Conveniencies or Accommodations; such as Riches, Beauty, sensual Pleasures, worldly Blandishments, or any of, the Goods of Fortu...

— Campbell, Archibald (1691-1756)

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Date: 1729

"Oh, let not the soft, penetrating plague / Creep on the freeborn mind! and working there, / With the sharp tooth of many a new-form'd want, / Endless, and idle all, eat out the heart / Of liberty; the high conception blast; / The noble sentiment, the impatient scorn / Of base subjection, and the...

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1729

"Induced at last, by scarce perceived degrees, / Sapping the very frame of government, / And life, a total dissolution comes; / Sloth, ignorance, dejection, flattery, fear."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1729

"Then the good easy man, whom reason rules; / Rouz'd by bold insult, and injurious rage, / With sharp, and sudden check, th' astonish'd sons / Of violence confounds; firm as his cause, / His bolder heart; in awful justice clad; / His eyes effulging a peculiar fire: / And, as he charges thro' the ...

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.