Date: 1762
"For a perfect Knowledge in these, and a proper Attention to Emphasis, will not only lead to, but, at last, actually produce what includes them all, such a masterly Elocution, as can hold the Passions captive, and surprize the Soul itself in its inmost Recesses."
preview | full record— Buchanan, James (fl. 1753-1773)
Date: 1762
"Ils sont sourds, en effet, à la voix intérieure qui leur crie d’un ton difficile à méconnaître: Une machine ne pense point, il n’y a ni mouvement, ni figure qui produise la réflexion: quelque chose en toi cherche à briser les liens qui le compriment; l’espace n’est pas ta mesure, l’univers entie...
preview | full record— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)
Date: 1762
"Pourquoi mon âme est-elle soumise à mes sens & enchaîné, ce corps qui l’asservit et la gêne? je n’en sais rien: suis-je entré dans les décrets de Dieu?"
preview | full record— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)
Date: 1762
J’aspire au moment où, délivré des entraves du corps, je serai moi sans contradiction, sans partage, & n’aurai besoin que de moi pour être heureux; en attendant, je le suis dès cette vie, parce que j’en compte pour peu tous les maux, que je la regarde comme presque étrangère à mon être, & que tou...
preview | full record— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)
Date: 1764
"In order to guard against any dangers before hand, it would he necessary for lying-in women in some sort to quiet their senses, and to have their voluble ideas and passions as it were overloaded with fetters."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1766
"'Love', is more sanguine, than gallantry; having for its object, the person, whom we are studious to please, through a view of possessing; and, whom we love as much, on her account, as our own: it takes possession of the heart, suddenly, and, owes its birth, to a certain something, which enchain...
preview | full record— Trusler, John (1735-1820)
Date: 1766
Love "leaves us not the liberty of choice; it commands in the beginning, as a master, and, reigns, afterwards, as a tyrant, till we are accustomed to its chains, by length of time; or, till they are broken by the efforts of powerful reason, or, the caprice of continued vexation."
preview | full record— Trusler, John (1735-1820)
Date: September, 1766
"Deliver me, gracious Lord from the bondage of doubt and from all evil customs, and take not from me thy Holy Spirit, but enable me so to spend my remaining days, that by performing thy will I may promote thy glory, and grant that after the troubles and disappointments of this mortal state I may ...
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: 1767
"One obvious effect of it is, that it confines the attention to artificial rules, and ties the mind down to the observance of them, perhaps at the very time that the imagination is upon the stretch, and grasping at some idea astonishingly great, which however it is obliged, though with the utmost...
preview | full record— Duff, William (1732-1815)
Date: 1770
"But this faculty [Reason] has been much perverted, often to vile, and often to insignificant purposes; sometimes chained like a slave or malefactor, and sometimes soaring in forbidden and unknown regions."
preview | full record— Beattie, James (1735-1803)