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Date: 1709

"She ran to meet him as he alighted; her young Face, over-spread with blushing Joys! his transport exceeded hers! he took her in his Arms with eagerness! he exchang'd all his Pains for Pleasures! there was the Cure of his past Anguish! her Kisses were the Balm to his wounded Mind!"

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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Date: 1712 [1706-1721]

"Sir, said the young man, for God’s sake do not stop me, let me go, I cannot without horror look upon that abominable barber; though he is born in a country where all the natives are whites, he resembles an Ethiopian; and when all is come to all, his soul is yet blacker and yet more horrible than...

— Anonymous

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Date: 1712, 1715, 1719

When a young Lady rallies or banters a young Gentleman it may be counted as "an Invitation to Courtship, or a transparent Mask, thro' which they see she has a Mind to be marry'd"

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1712, 1715, 1719

On emay be "absorp'd in Sorrow, and loaden with Afflictions," alleviated only by discreet Words which may calm my Passion and serve "as Balm to a Mind enflam'd with Sorrow"

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1712, 1715, 1719

"I will not repeat to you, Madam, the divers Conflicts of my Thoughts and the Agitation of my Mind on this Occasion; for my Interior labour'd as it were under a Fever and Ague, burning with an irresistible Inclination for Marcellus"

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.