Date: 1798
"I believe it may be admitted as a maxim, that no person of a well furnished mind, that has shaken off the implicit subjection of youth, and is not the zealous partizan of a sect, can bring himself to conform to the public and regular routine of sermons and prayers."
preview | full record— Godwin, William (1756-1836)
Date: 1805
"Shall she pronounce that generous Heart / A store-room vile of selfish Art?"
preview | full record— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)
Date: 1806
"But when thy true poetic lays, / Pierce to the Heart's remotest cell; / We feel the conscious innate praise"
preview | full record— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)
Date: 1807-8
"[T]hrough the cells / And channels of his phrensy-stricken brain / Rage and confusion rush'd; the solemn peal / Broke on his ear like his salvation's knell, / Whilst his vext conscience struggled, but too late, / To rend th' insatiate demon from his heart"
preview | full record— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)
Date: 1815
"Is Man to say--I've reach'd the goal, / I'll now dismiss th'imprison'd soul; / With my own hand I'll ope the way / From its base tenement of clay."
preview | full record— Combe, William (1742 -1823)
Date: 1815
"With my own hand I'll ope the way / From its base tenement of clay; / Tir'd of its suff'rings here below, / I'll loose it from this scene of woe; / I'll prune its wings and let it fly, / To seek again its native sky."
preview | full record— Combe, William (1742 -1823)
Date: 1815?
"Strait to her chamber, yester-eve, / Had she retreated from the cave, / And, wildering in a maze of thought, / Fear'd every hour with danger fraught"
preview | full record— Polwhele, Richard (1760-1838)