Date: 1660, 1676
"Conscience is the treasury of Divine commandments and rules in practical things."
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)
Date: 1660, 1676
"S. Bernard comparing the Conscience to a house, says it stands upon seven pillars."
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)
Date: 1660, 1676
"For the conscience is a Judge and a Guide, a Monitor and a Witness, which are the offices of the knowing, not of the chusing faculty."
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)
Date: 1660, 1676
"But to accuse or excuse is the office of a faculty which can neither will nor chuse, that is, of the conscience, which is properly a record, a book, and a judgment-seat."
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)
Date: 1660, 1676
"Will and Conscience are like the cognati sensus, the Touch and the Taste; or the Teeth and the Ears, affected and assisted by some common objects, whose effect is united in matter and some real events, and distinguished by their formalities, or metaphysical beings."
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)
Date: 1660, 1676
"In these men the principles are holy, the instruction perfect, the law remaining, the perswasions uncancelled; but against all this torrent there is a whirlwind of passions, and filthy resolutions, and wilfulness, which corrupt the heart, while as yet the head is uncorrupted in the direct rules ...
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)
Date: 1660, 1676
"That is, of that which God hath declared to be good or evil respectively, the conscience is to be informed. God hath taken care that his laws shall be published to all his subjects, he hath written them where they must needs read them, not in Tables of stone or Phylacteries on the forehead, but ...
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)
Date: 1660, 1676
"In the actions of human entercourse, and the notions tending to it, reason is our eye, and to it are notices proportion'd, drawn from nature and experience, even from all the principles with which our rational faculties usually do converse."
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)
Date: 1660, 1676
"For a scrupulous conscience does not take away the proper determination of the understanding; but it is like a Woman handling of a Frog or a Chicken, which, all their friends tell them, can do them no hurt, and they are convinced in reason that they cannot, they believe it and know it ;...
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)
Date: 1667
"For, though Man's Soul, and Body are not onely one natural Engine (as some have thought) of whose motions of all sorts, there may be as certain an accompt given, as those of a Watch or a Clock"
preview | full record— Sprat, Thomas (bap. 1635, d. 1713)