Date: w. 1702-1713, 1989
"But most Alas by vain opinion lead / Ore the wild maze of erring passions tread."
preview | full record— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)
Date: 1716
"If midst of Thoughts that crowd into thy Mind, / The Care of absent Friends a Place can find, / Retire a while from Warlike Noise and Throng / Into thy inmost Tent, and listen to my Song."
preview | full record— Monck [née Molesworth], Mary (1677?-1715)
Date: 1719, 1720
"For, says he, PUNS are like so many Torch-Lights in the Head, that give the Soul a very distinct View of those Images, which she before seemed to groap after as if she had been imprisoned in a Dungeon."
preview | full record— Sheridan, Thomas (1687-1738)
Date: 1722
One's "vital life" dwells in the heart
preview | full record— Steele, Sir Richard (1672-1729)
Date: 1724
"Her Heart was like a great Inn, which finds room for all that come."
preview | full record— Davys, Mary (1674-1732)
Date: September 10, 1726
"To explain this, we must consider that the first Image which an outward Object imprints on our Brain is very slight; it resembles a thin Vapour which dwindles into nothing, without leaving the least track after it. But if the same Object successively offers itself several times, the Image it occ...
preview | full record— Arbuckle, James (d. 1742)
Date: September 10, 1726
"Yet we must not suppose that they are continually in their Retirement; they would become useless if they were so. But on the contrary, great Numbers of them are always going to and fro; and if one of them chances to go by the Cell or Lodge of another which has the least real or imaginary conform...
preview | full record— Arbuckle, James (d. 1742)
Date: 1726
"Here I discovered the Roguery and Ignorance of those who pretend to write Anecdotes, or secret History who send so many Kings to their Graves with a Cup of Poison; will repeat the Discourse between a Prince and Chief Minister, where no Witness was by; unlock the Thoughts and Cabinets of E...
preview | full record— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)
Date: 1727
"The common Fluency of Speech in many Men, and most Women, is owing to a Scarcity of Matter, and a Scarcity of Words; for whoever is a Master of Language, and hath a Mind full of Ideas, will be apt, in speaking, to hesitate upon the Choice of both; whereas common Speakers have only one Set of Ide...
preview | full record— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)
Date: 1732
"Trace it to the fountain-head, and you shall not find that you had it by any of your senses, the only true means of discovering what is real and substantial in nature: you will find it lying amongst other old lumber in some obscure corner of the imagination, the proper receptacle of visions, fan...
preview | full record— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)