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Date: 1683

"Invention, Memory, and Wit, should stay; / And all their Treasures in this Turrit lay."

— Shipman, Thomas (1632-1680)

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Date: 1683

"But for such Guests [Invention, Memory, and Wit] I have no fitting Room; / Or if I had, I've no such Guests to come."

— Shipman, Thomas (1632-1680)

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Date: 1683

"Those sad reverberating groans that rise / Fro th' Caverns of my bosome, change their noise, / And, Eccho-like, dissolve into a Voice."

— Shipman, Thomas (1632-1680)

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Date: 1683

"The Soul (that bright coelestial Guest) / Altho eternal, seeks for rest."

— Shipman, Thomas (1632-1680)

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Date: 1683

"Then for to please the Ears (those Doors o'th' Mind) / Where could we rarer choice of treatments find?"

— Shipman, Thomas (1632-1680)

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Date: 1684

"No Discord in thy Soul did rest, / Save what its Harmony increast."

— Oldham, John (1653-1683)

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Date: 1684

Reason may fix "its peaceful Throne" in the mind and reign alone

— Oldham, John (1653-1683)

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Date: 1684

"The Will its easie Neck to Bondage gave, / And to the ruling Faculty became a Slave."

— Oldham, John (1653-1683)

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Date: 1684

The Passions may raise "Civil Wars" and discompose man "with intestine Jars"

— Oldham, John (1653-1683)

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Date: 1684

One may " Beget more Sighs then if with Arts / He should design to conquer Hearts"

— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.