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Date: 1796

"So lately a captive, oppressed with chains, perishing with hunger, suffering every inconvenience of cold and want, hidden from the light, excluded from society, hopeless, neglected, and, as I feared, forgotten: now restored to life and liberty, enjoying all the comforts of affluence and ease, su...

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"The damning contract weighed heavy upon his mind; and the scenes in which he had been a principal actor, had left behind them such impressions as rendered his heart the seat of anarchy and confusion."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1797

"The beauty of her countenance haunting his imagination, and the touching accents of her voice still vibrating on his heart, he descended to the shore below her residence, pleasing himself with the consciousness of being near her, though he could no longer behold her; and sometimes hoping that he...

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"This place, perhaps, infests my mind with congenial gloom, for I find that, at this moment, there is scarcely a superstition too dark for my credulity."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"'It should seem, Ellena, by these boding fears,' said he, imprudently, 'that I am parting with you for ever; I feel a weight upon my heart, which I cannot throw off."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"They regarded Ellena with only a feeble curiosity, though the affliction in her looks might have interested almost any heart that was not corroded by its own sufferings; nor did the masked faces of her companions excite a much stronger attention."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"Ellena, as she surveyed her melancholy habitation, suppressed a rising sigh, but she could not remain unaffected by recollections, which, on this view of her altered state, crowded to her mind; nor think of Vivaldi far away, perhaps for ever, and, probably, even ignorant of her destination, with...

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"The nearer interest pressed solely upon his mind, and he was conscious only to the loss of Ellena."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"That insult, which had pointed forth his hypocrisy, and ridiculed the solemn abstraction he assumed, had sunk deep in his heart, and, fermenting the direst passions of his nature, he meditated a terrible revenge."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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Date: 1797

"As they passed with silent steps along the winding rocks, the tranquillity of the landscape below afforded an affecting contrast with the tumult and alarm of their minds."

— Radcliffe [née Ward], Ann (1764-1823)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.