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Date: 1730

"The gracious Author of our Being hath therefore so formed us, that we are capable of many pleasing sensations and reflections, and meet with so many amusements and solicitudes, as divert our thoughts from dwelling upon an evil, which by reason of its seeming distance, makes but languid impressio...

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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Date: 1731

"For those Ideas of Heat, Light, and Colours, and other Sensible things, being not Qualities really existing in the Bodies without us, as the Atomical Philosophy instructs us, and therefore not passively stamped or imprinted upon the Soul from without in the same manner that a Signature is upon a...

— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)

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Date: 1731

"In the day they [Phantasms] are shut out and disappear, the Senses and Understanding working, as the lesser Fire is made to disappear by the Greater; and small Griefs and Pleasures by Great ones. But when we are at rest in our Beds, the least Phantasms make Impressions upon us."

— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)

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Date: 1731

"So that Knowledge is not a Passion from any thing without the Mind, but an Active Exertion of the Inward Strength, Vigour and Power of the Mind, displaying it self from within; and the Intelligible Forms by which Things are Understood or Known, are not Stamps or Impressions passively printed upo...

— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)

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Date: 1731

"That there are some Ideas of the Mind which were not stamped or imprinted upon it from the Sensible Objects without, and therefore must needs arise from the Innate Vigour and Activity of the Mind it self, is evident, in that there are, First, Ideas of such things as neither are Affections of Bod...

— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)

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Date: 1731

"But that which imposes upon Mens Judgements here, so as to make them think, that these are all Passive Impressions made upon the Soul by the Objects of Sense, is nothing else but this; because the Notions both of those Relative Ideas, and also of those other other Immaterial things, (as Vertue, ...

— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)

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Date: 1731

"There are many other such Ideas of the Mind, of certain Wholes made up of several Corporeal Parts, which, though Sometimes Locally discontinued, yet are joyned together by Relations, and Habitudes to one another (founded in some Actions of them, as they are Cogitative Beings) a...

— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)

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Date: 1731

"In a word, all the Ideas of things called Artificial or Mechanical, contain something in them that never came from Sense, nor was ever stamped upon the Soul from the Objects without, which, though it be not meerly notional or Imaginary but really belongs to the Nature of that Thing, yet is no ot...

— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)

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Date: 1731

"But the Eye or Sense of a Brute, though it have as much Passively impressed upon it from without, as the Soul of a Man hath, when it looks upon the most Royal and Magnificent Palace, if it should see all the Inside also as well as the Outside, could not Comprehend from thence the Formal Idea and...

— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)

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Date: 1731

"Hitherto therefore we have seen, that the Relative Ideas that we have in our Mind, are not Passions impressed upon the Soul from the Objects without; but arise from the innate Activity of the Mind it self; and therefore because the Essences or Ideas of all Compounded Corporeal Things themselves,...

— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.