Date: 1759
"Words are but Pictures, tru or False Designd / To Draw the Lines, and Features of the Minde"
preview | full record— Butler, Samuel (1613-1680)
Date: 1759
"Whence Multitudes of reverend Men and Critics / Have got a kind of intellectual Rickets, / And by th'immoderate Excess of Study / Have found the sickly Head t'outgrow the Body.
preview | full record— Butler, Samuel (1613-1680)
Date: 1759
"For genius may be compared to the natural strength of the body; learning to the superinduced accoutrements of arms: if the first is equal to the proposed exploit, the latter rather encumbers, than assists; rather retards, than promotes, the victory."
preview | full record— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)
Date: December 29, 1759
"If the senses were feasted with perpetual pleasure, they would always keep the mind in subjection."
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: 1760
"Oh, Sterne! thou art scabby, and such is the leprosy of thy mind that it is not to be cured like the leprosy of the body, by dipping nine times in the river Jordan."
preview | full record— Whitefield, George (1714-1770)
Date: 1762
"I learnt, that when these people were first rescued out of their misery, their healths were much impaired, and their tempers more so: to restore the first, all medicinal care was taken, and air and exercise assisted greatly in their recovery; but to cure the malady of the mind, and conquer that ...
preview | full record— Scott [née Robinson], Sarah (1720-1795)
Date: 1762
"She had learnt, that to give pain was immoral; and could no more have borne to have shocked any person's mind, than to have racked his body."
preview | full record— Scott [née Robinson], Sarah (1720-1795)
Date: 1762-3
"[T]he five senses in alliance [may] / To Reason hurl a proud defiance, / And, though oft conquer'd, yet unbroke, / Endeavour to throw off that yoke / Which they a greater slavery hold / Than Jewish bondage was of old"
preview | full record— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)
Date: 1762, 1781
"Bear back, false Winchester, thy proffer'd Bliss, / Weigh Crowns and Kingdoms with a deed like this, / Far, far too light in Wisdom's eye they seem, / Nor shake the scale, while Reason holds the beam."
preview | full record— Keate, George (1729-1797)
Date: w. 1739, 1762
"Ye pale Inhabitants of Night, / Before my intellectual Sight / In solemn Pomp ascend."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)