Date: 1702
"The faculties of the Soul, like the parts of the Body, receive nourishment from use, and derive skill as well as they do force and vigour from exercise"
preview | full record— Dennis, John (1658-1734)
Date: 1702 [but see also earlier editions 1648, 1651]
"Thy Paradise, thro' whose fair Hills of Joy / Those Springs of everlasting Vigor range, / Which make Souls drunk with Heav'n, which cleanse away / All Earth from Dust, and Flesh to Spirit change."
preview | full record— Beaumont, Joseph (1616-1699)
Date: 1702
"If my wounded Mind / Could know a Thought of Peace, it would be now."
preview | full record— Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718)
Date: 1700, 1702
"Her thoughtful Soul, labours with some event / Of high import, which bustles like an Embryo / In its dark Room, and longs to be disclos'd."
preview | full record— Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718)
Date: 1702
"Thine I have now receiv'd, which manifests/ Thou hast had some regard to my Requests; / And by these good Effects, dost testify, / Thou'rt not so much inclin'd to Vanity, / To Childish Sports, and Time-beguiling Play, / As thou hast been therein, and spent thy Day:/ Endeared Friend, may's...
preview | full record— Mollineux [née Southworth], Mary (1651-1695)
Date: w. 1684, 1702
"These rugged Walls, less grievous are to me, / Than those bedeck'd with curious Arras be / T'a guilty Conscience; to a wounded Heart, / A Palace cannot palliate that smart: / Tho' drunk with Pleasure, dull with Opiates, / Some seem as Senseless of their sad Estates, / Till on their Dying-Beds Co...
preview | full record— Mollineux [née Southworth], Mary (1651-1695)
Date: 1703, 1718
"Guilt's infernal Gloom, and horrid Night" may "O'erwhelm [Man's] Intellectual Sight"
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1703
"Distorted Nature shakes at the Controul, / With strong Convulsions rends my strugling Soul; / Each vital String cracks with th' unequal Strife, / Departing Love racks like departing Life; / Yet there the Sorrow ceases with the Breath, / But Love each day renews th' torturing scene of Death."
preview | full record— Egerton [née Fyge; other married name Field], Sarah (1670-1723)
Date: 1704
"As thro' the Artist's intervening Glass, / Our Eye observes the distant Planets pass; / A little we discover; but allow, / That more remains unseen, than Art can show: / So whilst our Mind it's Knowledge wou'd improve; / (It's feeble Eye intent on Things above) / High as We may, We lift our Rea...
preview | full record— Prior, Matthew (1664-1721)
Date: 1704
"For he tells us in the beginning of the Treatise that the Sublime does not so properly persuade us, as it Ravishes and Transports us, and produces in us a certain Admiration mingled with astonishment and with surprise, which is quite another thing than the barely Pleasing or the barely perswadin...
preview | full record— Dennis, John (1658-1734)