Date: 1661
"[T]hrough ev'ry Breast [Faith] goes, invades their Minds, which, all-possest / By her great Deitie, each Soul doth prove / Her Altar, burning by her Sacred Love"
preview | full record— Ross, Thomas (bap. 1620, d. 1675)
Date: 1682
"The Body is but the Prison, or the Clog of the Mind; subjected to Punishments, Robberies, Diseases; but the Mind is Sacred, and Spiritual, and Liable to no Violence."
preview | full record— L'Estrange, Sir Roger (1616-1704)
Date: 1700, 1717
"Thus all Things are but alter'd, nothing dies; / And here and there th' unbodied Spirit flies, / By Time, or Force, or Sickness dispossess, / And lodges, where it lights, in Man or Beast; / Or hunts without, till ready Limbs it find, / And actuates those according to their kind; / From Tenement ...
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1700, 1717
"This Helenus to great AEneas told, / Which I retain, e'er since in other Mould: / My Soul was cloath'd; and now rejoice to view / My Country Walls rebuilt, and Troy reviv'd anew, / Rais'd by the fall: Decreed by Loss to Gain; / Enslav'd but to be free, and conquer'd but to reign."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1708
"'I cannot think but that the same thing which I am in search of, once dwelt here, but has now deserted his Habitation and left it empty, and that the Absence of that thing, has occasion'd this Privation of Sense and Cessation of Motion, which happen'd to the Body.' Now when he perceiv'd that the...
preview | full record— Ockley, Simon (bap. 1679, d. 1720)
Date: 1708
"And now he Apprehended plainly that every particular Animal, tho' it had a great many Limbs, and variety of Senses and Motions, was nevertheless One in respect of that Spirit, whose Original was from one firm Mansion, viz. the Heart, from whence, its Influence was diffus'd among all the Members."
preview | full record— Ockley, Simon (bap. 1679, d. 1720)
Date: 1712, 1719
"Whilst with the same resistless Art / She storms his Windows, and his Heart"
preview | full record— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)
Date: 1737
"Souls for ever live: / But often their old Habitations leave, / To dwell in new; which them, as Guests, receive."
preview | full record— Baker, Henry (1698-1774)
Date: 1758
"Do not variegate the Structure of your Walls with Eubaean and Spartan Stone: but adorn both the Minds of the Citizens, and of those who govern them, by the Grecian Education."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1762
"Thy griefs pent up, have prey'd upon thy heart."
preview | full record— Cradock, Joseph (1742-1826)