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Date: 1748, 1754

"[T]his Perception is not a Creature of the Mind, but a Ray emanating directly from the Father of Lights, a fair genuine Stamp of his Hand, who impressed every vital and original Energy on the Mind"

— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)

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Date: 1748, 1754

The law "is within us, ever present with us, ever active and incumbent on the Mind, and engraven on the Heart in the fair and large Signatures of Conscience, Natural Affection, Compassion, Gratitude, and universal Benevolence."

— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)

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Date: 1748, 1754

"In general, the violent Sensations of Pain or Uneasiness which accompany Hunger, Thirst, and the other private Appetites, or too great Fatigue of Mind as well as of Body, prevent the Individual from running to great Excesses in the Exercise of the higher Functions of the Mind, as too intense Tho...

— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)

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Date: 1748, 1754

"And this Firmness of Mind answers to the Strength and Muscling of the Body."

— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)

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Date: 1748, 1754

"To those good Dispositions, which respect the several Objects of our Duty, and to all Actions which flow from such Disposition, the Mind gives its Sanction or Testimony."

— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)

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Date: 1748, 1754

"For if Virtue is something that deserves our Esteem and Love, then it must exist before Conscience is exerted, or gives its Testimony."

— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)

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Date: 1748, 1754

"At least we generally esteem [Neatness, Cleanliness, and Decency, to which we may add Dignity of Countenance, and Demeanour] Indications of an orderly, genteel, and well-governed Mind, conscious of inward Worth, or the Respect due to one's Nature."

— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)

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Date: 1748, 1754

"He will learn to transfer the Numbers of Poetry to the Harmony of the Mind, and of well-governed Passions."

— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)

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Date: 1748, 1754

"In this Light, the Administration itself, nay, every Act of it, becomes an Object of Affection, the Evil disappears, or is converted into a Balm which both heals and nourishes the Mind."

— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)

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Date: 1748, 1754

"He, therefore, who is provided with such Armour, taken, if we may say so, from the Armory of Heaven, may be proof against the sharpest Arrows of Fortune, and defy the Impotence of human Malice; and though he cannot be secure against those Ills which are the ordinary Appendages of Man's Lot, yet ...

— Fordyce, David (bap. 1711, d. 1751)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.