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Date: December, 1954

"My mind, a vagrant, dreams on the shining Alps."

— Scott, Peter Dale (b. January 11, 1929)

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Date: December, 1954

"Does Somebody look bored, / His thoughts vacant as plaster, with being year / After bleeding year, our immobile word?"

— Scott, Peter Dale (b. January 11, 1929)

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Date: April 1955

"The something gloom Of my soul's deep and dreary catacomb."

— Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963)

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Date: April 1955

"'The something gloom,' she declaimed triumphantly, 'Of my soul's irremediable tomb.'"

— Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963)

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Date: 1956

"All the old people I know have had their minds locked up like grey, scaly oysters since they were in their teens."

— Durrell, Gerald (1925-1995)

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Date: September, 1956

Je veux saisir les choses avec l'esprit comme le pénis est saisi par le vagin. [I want to grasp things with the mind the way the penis is grasped by the vagina.]

— Duchamp, Marcel (1887-1968)

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Date: 1957

"This direction, of course, is towards the delineation of the domestic life and the private experience of the characters who belong to it: the two go together--we get inside their minds as well as inside their houses."

— Watt, Ian (1917-1999)

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Date: 1958

"I believe it was your colleague Hospers who proposed this useful figure: that whereas both thoughts and words have meaning, just as both the sun and moon send light to us, the meaning of the words is related to the meaning of the thoughts just as the light of the moon is related to that of the s...

— Chisholm, Roderick (1916-1999)

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Date: 1958

"Consciousness is like a bottomless lake in which ideas are suspended at different depths."

— Peirce, Charles Sanders (1839-1914)

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Date: Jan. 9, 1958

"This in haste to get something off my muckheap of a mind."

— Beckett, Samuel (1096-1989)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.