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Date: 1783

"A sentiment which is expressed in a period, clearly, neatly, and happily arranged, makes always a stronger impression on the mind, than one that is any how feeble or embarrassed."

— Blair, Hugh (1718-1800)

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Date: 1783

"EVERY object which makes any impression on the human mind, is constantly accompanied with certain circumstances and relations, that strike us at the same time."

— Blair, Hugh (1718-1800)

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Date: 1783

"Secondly, The pleasure of Comparison arises from the illustration which the simile employed gives to the principal object; from the clearer view of it which it presents; or the more strong impression of it which it stamps upon the mind: and, thirdly, It arises from the introduction of a new, and...

— Blair, Hugh (1718-1800)

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Date: 1783

"It changes the key in a moment; relaxes and brings down the mind; and shews us a writer perfectly at his ease, while he is personating some other, who is supposed to be under the torment of agitation."

— Blair, Hugh (1718-1800)

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Date: 1783

"A maxim, or moral saying, properly enough receives this form; both because it is supposed to be the fruit of meditation, and because it is designed to be engraven on the memory, which recalls it more easily by the help of such contrasted expressions."

— Blair, Hugh (1718-1800)

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Date: 1783

"Thus have we proved it never happens, / That ornament and outward trappings, / Can make on the heart the least impression, / Much less secure a fix'd possession."

— Dibdin, Charles (bap. 1745, d. 1814)

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Date: 1783

"Learn hence, that husbands will be blind / To every beauty but the mind; / Great Venus there should hold her court; / should the Loves and Graces sport / There rapture beam'd in every feature, / Bound by that Cestus, called Good Nature."

— Dibdin, Charles (bap. 1745, d. 1814)

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Date: 1783

The senses may "sing and dance round Reason's fine-wrought throne"

— Blake, William (1757-1827)

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Date: 1783

"O sheathe their hearts with triple steel, that they / May emulate their fathers' virtues"

— Blake, William (1757-1827)

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Date: 1783

"He carries windows / In that enlarged breast of his, that all / May see what's done within"

— Blake, William (1757-1827)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.