Date: 1777, 1778
"The mind of youth is a kind of tabula rasa;--at first unstained with guilt, and unadorned with virtue."
preview | full record— Rack, Edmund (1735-1787)
Date: 1777, 1778
"May the fair page never be polluted!--may it become inscribed with every excellent virtue--and be thereby rendered comely in the sight of Men, of Angels, of the Deity!"
preview | full record— Rack, Edmund (1735-1787)
Date: w. April 18, 1776; 1777
"Even my love of literary fame, my ruling passion, never soured my temper, notwithstanding my frequent disappointments."
preview | full record— Hume, David (1711-1776)
Date: w. 1755, 1777
"But admitting a spiritual substance to be dispersed throughout the universe, like the ethereal fire of the Stoics, and to be the only inherent subject of thought, we have reason to conclude from analogy, that nature uses it after the same manner she does the other substance, matter."
preview | full record— Hume, David (1711-1776)
Date: w. 1755, 1777
"She [Nature] employs it [spiritual substance] as a kind of paste or clay; modifies it into a variety of forms and existences; dissolves after a time each modification, and from its substance erects a new form."
preview | full record— Hume, David (1711-1776)
Date: w. 1755, 1777
"And does any thing steel the breast of judges and juries against the sentiments of humanity but reflections on necessity and public interest?"
preview | full record— Hume, David (1711-1776)
Date: September 2, 1770 to September 12, 1773; October, 1770 [1777]
"So simple a people I scarce ever saw. They did 'open the window in their breast.' And it was easy to discern, that God was there, filling them with joy and peace in believing."
preview | full record— Wesley, John (1703-1791)
Date: 1777
"The minds of the negroes are contracted; because slavery destroys all the springs of the soul."
preview | full record— Raynal, Guillaume Thomas (1713-1796)
Date: 1778
"So steht unser Körper zwischen Seele und der übrigen Welt in der Mitte, Spiegel der Wirkungen von beiden. [Thus our body stands between soul and ambient world, in the middle, mirror of the effect of both.]"
preview | full record— Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph (1742-1799)
Date: 1767, 1778
"To human frames these structures seem akin, / With aspect fair, while reason rules within."
preview | full record— Jones, Henry (1721-1770)