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Date: 1762

"He beholds him with bursting joy; and turns, amid his crowded soul"

— Ossian; Macpherson, James (1736-1796)

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Date: 1762

"Is the beauty of truth, or moral actions, or the deformity of falsehood, or vice, capable of being represented on paper, or on any other plain, except the rasa tabula of the mind?"

— Griffith, Richard (d. 1788)

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Date: 1762-3

"By tyrants awed, who never find / The passage to their people's mind; / To whom the joy was never known / Of planting in the heart their throne."

— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)

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Date: 1762-3

"Fancy steps in, and stamps that real, / Which, ipso facto, is ideal."

— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)

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Date: 1762-3

The senses should be distrusted "till Reason sets her seal, / And, by long trains of consequences / Ensured, gives sanction to the senses."

— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)

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Date: 1762-3

"Vainly thy precepts are address'd / Where Virtue steels the steady breast."

— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)

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Date: 1762-3

"Within the brain's most secret cells / A certain Lord Chief Justice dwells, / Of sovereign power, whom, one and all, / With common voice, we Reason call."

— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)

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Date: 1762-3

"The senses all must homage pay; / Hither they all must tribute bring, / And prostrate fall before their king."

— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)

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Date: 1762-3

"Whatever unto them is brought / Is carried on the wings of thought / Before his throne, where, in full state, / He on their merits holds debate, / Examines, cross-examines, weighs / Their right to censure or to praise."

— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)

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Date: 1762-3

"Men of sound parts, who, deeply read, / O'erload the storehouse of the head / With furniture they ne'er can use"

— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.