Date: 1673
" For tho the adulterations of art, can represent in the same Face beauty in one position, and deformity in another, yet nature is more sincere, and never meant a serene and clear forhead, should be the frontispiece to a cloudy tempestuous heart."
preview | full record— Allestree, Richard (1611/2-1681)
Date: 1681
The Law of Nature has often been "described and discoursed in metaphorical and allusive Expressions, such as Engravings, and Inscriptions, and the Tables of the Heart."
preview | full record— Parker, Samuel (1640-1688)
Date: 1697
"If we shou'd observe Pythagoras his Rule, to call our selves to an account every Evening, for the Actions and Thoughts of that Day, I believe we shou'd find many vacant spaces within the compass of a Day, which we cou'd not fill up with Thoughts."
preview | full record— Burnet, Thomas (c.1635-1715)
Date: 1707
"Lest any understand what I have said a few Pages hence as if I wholly denied common Innate Principles, observe, That it is only actual Connate Knowledge that I deny, and in respect to which I say that the Soul is rasa tabula; but I confess a Natural Passive power for the knowing of them a...
preview | full record— Baxter, Richard (1615-1691)
Date: 1719
"Than from this Mind, O! venerable Shade, / Th'Impression be eras'd thy Words have made."
preview | full record— Breval, John Durant (1680/81-1738)
Date: 1731-2
"It is a kind of annihilation to have our minds made a tabula rasa, and to date our existence from a new period."
preview | full record— Jortin, John (1698-1770)
Date: 1755
"My squire, however, will intimate how I am; while I content myself with assuring you, that I will, to all eternity, preserve engraven upon the tablets of my memory, the benevolence you this day vouchsafed unto me, that I may be grateful for the favour, as long as life shall remain."
preview | full record— Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616); Smollett, Tobias (1721-1771)
Date: 1756
"This heart is become a mere rasa tabula; you must help it to the [GREEK CHARACTERS], you must lay in it the foundation of natural religion, (i.e. "the dictates of common sense, for natural religion, according to Mr. H. is nothing else,) if you would raise the superstr...
preview | full record— Patten, Thomas (1714-1790)
Date: 1760
"A man this emptied and vacuated of self-conceit, these lines of natural pride, being blotted out, the soul is as a Tabula rasa, an unwritten table, to receive any impression of the law of God, that he pleases to put on it; and then his words are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to ...
preview | full record— Binning, Hugh (1627-1653)
Date: 1767
"He is now reduced to the greatest want and beggary, he is become a meer tabula rasa, a sheet of blank paper, a page of perfect inanity."
preview | full record— Campbell, Archibald (bap. 1724, d. 1780)