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Date: 1710 [1719, 1729]

"Religion, free from Pomp, yet still Divine, / All Hearts and Eyes she conquers with her Charms, And with her Love the willing People warms."

— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)

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Date: 1711

"While Passions in their Breasts ungovern'd rage, / Distract the Mind, and War intestine wage, / Reason divine from her high Throne descends, / Lays by her Scepter, and her Pow'r suspends."

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1712

If "Idola from foul Figures rise, / Their roughness Shocks the Soul, and Wounds the Eyes. / And, as with Spears, which grow from bladed Corn, / Invade the Mind, and make the Senses mourn"

— Cobb, Samuel (1675-1713); Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718); Quillet, Claudius (fl.1640-1656)

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Date: 1717

"Bear unmov'd the wrongs of base mankind, / The last, and hardest, conquest of the mind"

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1722

"Mankind, from the eldest ages, have felt great disturbance in themselves, from a vehement and constant strife between their reason and their passions; they found themselves distracted by these inward warring principles, of which they were compounded, drawing different ways, and contending for vi...

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1722

"When they followed the dictates for reason, they bore the torment of ungratify'd inordinate appetites; and when they chose to obey their passions, reflection fill'd them with terror and remorse: and in this sense, it is true, that all men are born in a state of war; that is, they felt in themsel...

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1722

" But the immediate disciples of these two great masters were much divided about reconciling the two combatants, reason and passion, and bring this intestine war to an end."

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1723

"Can Kings the Empire of the Soul invade?"

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1737

"At Eyes alone our Beaus direct their art, / Nor know the nobler Conquest of the Heart."

— Thurston, Joseph (1704-1732)

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Date: 1737

"'If passion once invade the female mind, / '(Tenacious sex!) in vain would mortal art / 'Wrench the warm weapon from the bleeding heart."

— Thurston, Joseph (1704-1732)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.