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Date: 1728

"Thus the glad Skies, / The wide-rejoycing Earth, the Woods, the Streams, / With every Life they hold, down to the Flower / That paints the lowly Vale, or Insect-Wing / Wav'd o'er the Shepherd's Slumber, touch the Mind / To Nature tun'd, with a light-flying Hand, / Invisible, quick-urging, thro' ...

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1728

"Ye Fairy Prospects then, / Ye Beds of Roses, and ye Bowers of Joy, / Farewell! Ye Gleamings of departing Peace, / Shine out your last! The yellow-tinging Plague / Internal Vision taints, and in a Night / Of livid Gloom Imagination wraps."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1730

"Whether we send our Reason's piercing Rays / Beneath the Great, unbounded Deep, / Where Storms and Tempests sleep, / Whether unrein'd Imagination strays / Thro' the black, Howling Desart's pathless Ways, / The Deep and Howling Wilderness declare / The Omnipresent Godhead there."

— Woodward, George (b. 1708?)

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Date: 1730

"Whether amid the Gloom we stray, / And send our Intellectual Ray / Up to the pure, cærulean Plains on high, / There all the Glories of the Sky, / As round the liquid Space / They run their bright, ætherial Race."

— Woodward, George (b. 1708?)

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Date: 1733

Sights may be perform'd, "illusive scene! / By magick lantern of the spleen"

— Green, Matthew (1696-1737) [pseud. Peter Drake, a Fisherman of Brentford]

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Date: 1735

"Her lovely Mind shines chearful thro' her Face, / A sacred Lamp in a fair Crystal Case."

— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)

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Date: 1738, 1792

"But soon a beam, emissive from above, / Shed mental day, and touch'd the heart with love; / Gave jealous rage to know Divine Controul, / And ruled the tempest rising in the soul."

— Brooke, Henry (c. 1703-1783)

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Date: 1739

"Fill our whole Souls with heav'nly Light, / Melt with Seraphick Fire."

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1742

"Where heav'nly Reason with her temperate Light, / Teaches th'unbiass'd Mind to judge aright / There Property secure enjoys her own; / There Conscience sits untroubl'd on her Throne"

— Boyse, Samuel (1708-1749)

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Date: 1744

"Falters thy tongue, and fails to speak, / And heaves thy breast, and droops thy head, / Glimmers the lamp of life, and dies"

— Wesley, John and Charles

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.