Date: 1605, 1640
"But the poets and writers of histories are the best doctors of this knowledge; where we may find painted forth, with great life, how affections are kindled and incited; and how pacified and refrained; and how again contained from act and further degree; how they disclose themselves; how they wor...
preview | full record— Bacon, Sir Francis, Lord Verulam (1561-1626)
Date: 1607
"[Y]our continuance after in all studious actions, constancy in your fauours and kind disposition (for I must needs say as hee of Augustus -- 'Rarus tu quidem ad recipiendas amicitias, ad retinendas vero constantissimus') these incited mee to cause that which as a sparke lay shrowded in embers in...
preview | full record— Walkington, Thomas (b. c. 1575, d. 1621)
Date: w. c. 90, trans. 1611
"Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?"
preview | full record— Luke the Evangelist (d. c. 84)
Date: 1632
"Looke as it is with a Gold smith that melteth the metall that he is to make a vessell of, if after the melting thereof, there follow a cooling, it had beene as good it had never beene melted, it is as hard, haply harder, as unfit, haply unfitter, then it was before to make vessell of; but after ...
preview | full record— Hooker, Richard (1554-1600)
Date: 1637
"I supposed, too, that in the beginning God did not place in this body any rational soul or any other thing to serve as a vegetative or sensitive soul, but rather that he kindled in its heart one of those fires without light which I had already explained, and whose nature I understood to be no di...
preview | full record— Descartes, René (1596-1650)
Date: 1641
"I am not that structure of limbs which is called a human body. I am not even some thin vapour which permeates the limbs - a wind, fire, air, breath, or whatever I depict in my imagination; for these are things which I have supposed to be nothing."
preview | full record— Descartes, René (1596-1650)
Date: 1651
"Many erroneous opinions are about the essence and original of [the rational soul]; whether it be fire, as Zeno held; harmony, as Aristoxenus; number, as Xenocrates; whether it be organical, or inorganical; seated in the brain, heart or blood; mortal or immortal; how it comes into the body."
preview | full record— Burton, Robert (1577-1640)
Date: 1652
"Many sparks and appearances fly from variety of objects to the understanding; The minde, that catches them all, and cherishes them, and blows them; and thus the Candle of knowledge is lighted."
preview | full record— Culverwell, Nathanael (bap. 1619, d. 1651)
Date: 1657
"Cupid denied of this did backward start, / And ran for hast to hide him in her heart, / Where he renewed fresh flames, and by delay, / So I corcht his wings he could not fly away / Thus force perforce in her my conquer'd breast / Is the poore Inne of such a God-borne guest, / Whom while I harbor...
preview | full record— Bold, Henry (1627-1683)
Date: 1658
"The soul seems to be like a little flame or a most attenuated kind of fire, which thrives or remains kindled while the animal lives, since if it no longer thrives or is put out, the animal dies."
preview | full record— Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655)