Date: March 17, 1950 [2005]
"One of those involuntary revealing thoughts one surprises, running like a rat through the muck-heap of my mind: Maybe I'll be able to afford that ikon if he goes."
preview | full record— Friend, Donald (1915-1989)
Date: 1952
De la partie la plus noire de mon âme, à travers la zone hachurée me monte ce désir d'être tout à coup blanc [Out of the blackest part of my soul, through the zone of hachures, surges up this desire to be suddenly white].
preview | full record— Fanon, Frantz (1925-1961)
Date: 1956
"All the old people I know have had their minds locked up like grey, scaly oysters since they were in their teens."
preview | full record— Durrell, Gerald (1925-1995)
Date: 1958
"Such hectic extremes of gloom and gaiety are, indeed, characteristic of the manic-depressive, as with poor Crabbe's wife; in such persons the superego sits, as it were, like a great baleful cat, while the poor little cowed mouse of an ego creeps about with its tail between its legs; but at inter...
preview | full record— Lucas, F. L. (1894-1967)
Date: 1965
"The ripe brain rotting like a yellow nut / Hatching / Its babel of sea-lice, sandfly, and maggot."
preview | full record— Walcott, Derek (b. 1930)
Date: 1975, 1976
"The mind is like a monkey swinging from branch to branch through a forest, says the Sutra. In order not to lose sight of the monkey by some sudden movement, we must watch the monkey constantly and even to be one with it."
preview | full record— Thich Nhat Hanh (b. October 11, 1926)
Date: 1975, 1976
"Wherever the mind goes, it still lies in the harness of the mind. The Sutra sometimes uses the expression "Bind the monkey" to refer to taking hold of the mind. But the monkey image is only a means of expression. Once the mind is directly and continually aware of itself, it is no longer like a m...
preview | full record— Thich Nhat Hanh (b. October 11, 1926)
Date: 1978, 1979
"The discipline tying mind in that way to the meditative object is expressed by the simile of training an elephant, for example, a wild elephant is tied with many massive cords to a trunk or a post."
preview | full record— Wayman, Alex
Date: 1978, 1979
"The mind is like the untrained elephant. When it is bound with the cord of mindfulness to the firm post of the previously discussed meditative object, [even] if it is unwilling to remain there, it is gradually brought under control, goaded by the hook of awareness."
preview | full record— Wayman, Alex
Date: 1983
Die Dogmatiker sind sonderbare Hyänen. Sie nähren sich vom Aas der Gedanken, die sie selbst getötet haben. [The dogmatists are strange hyenas They feed on the carrion of the thoughts that they themselves killed].
preview | full record— Laub, Gabriel (1928-1998)